Taxi for Theresa?
WORDS: Gary Kelly
Intense speculation sweeps Westminister that Theresa May will announce her resignation at 5pm today.
It is said that both Brexiteers and Remainers within the Conservative party agree that a different Prime Minister should lead the team in the next phase of Brexit negotiations with the European Union
Cabinet Minister Andrea Leadsom will not put her support behind May carrying on, with Jacob Rees-Mogg taking some time away from his side gig as a haunted Victorian pencil to exclaim “It may be Mrs May’s deal or No Brexit at all” via Conservative Home. Mogg has said that his final condition is if The DUP support May’s deal then he will to.
Somehow May, due to her obstinance and sheer naked bloody minded has managed to unite the Tory parties various factions against her as they set about positioning themselves for a power grab.
In Roman times The Ideas of March were on March 15th, traditionally a time for settling debts. May has missed this date for her political assassination which is unsurprising to anyone who has waited for her to come out and deliver one of her Maybot ‘nothing has changed’ speeches will testify she will probably be due out to resign around 7pm tonight. If indeed she resigns at all.
Political commentators such as Dan Hodges at the Mail have confirmed the rumours of intense speculation and a 5pm announcement. With The Times and The Sun calling for May to resign this week. As many of you know, Kingmaker and winner of the best home carved into a hollowed out volcano Rupert Murdoch is the proprietor of both of those rags.
On BBC Politics today, Tim Loughton as part of the discussion on speculation that Theresa May will give her resignation date today said, “I think we are coming to the endgame”.
Pressure appears to be piling up on May to go. I won’t personally be sorry to see her go, nor will 86% of the people who engaged with a recent Milk the Cow poll on whether she should resign or not. Her potential replacements however make my toes curl.
Beware The Ides of March.